put "This food is looking back at you. It looks hungry." into field "info"
pass opencard
end opencard
-- part 1 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: A003
-- rect: left=161 top=302 right=323 bottom=192
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: OK
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseUp
global filter
if filter is "yes" then
exit mouseup
end if
get field "do what"
if the number of words in it > 1 then
beep 2
exit mouseup
end if
global trayhide
if it contains "get" or it contains "take" then
global inventory
if inventory contains "tray of food" then
put "You already have it." into field "info"
exit mouseup
play "boing" tempo 200 c#1h..
put "The food growls at you, but you dodge its"& " sharp teeth and take it with you.≈∏"into field "info"
global inventory
put "Tray of food"& return after last char of inventory
global action
put "get" into action
global filter
put "yes" into filter
exit mouseup
end if
end if
if it contains "eat" or it contains "consume" then
put "You snatch the food off the tray. You take a"& "bite of the struggling, squirming delicacy. To make a long "& "story short, you die.≈∏"into field "info"
global filter
put "yes" into filter
global action
put "eat" into action
exit mouseup
end if
if it contains "examine" or it contains "look" then
send "opencard" to card "bunk"
exit mouseup
end if
if it contains "hit" or it contains "punch" or it contains "kick" then
play "boing"
put "The food is stunned for a moment, and then growls viciously." into field "info"
exit mouseup
end if
if it is "" then
put "Speak up. I can't hear you." into field "info"
exit mouseup
end if
if it contains "drop" then
put "You should save the tray in case it comes in handy later on."& " Besides, the food happens to have its teeth firmly attached "& " to your leg at the moment." into field "info"